It is our great pleasure to announce the call for papers for the Journal of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (JBDAI). JBDAI (ISSN 2692-7977) is an open access peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the publication of high-quality research on artificial intelligence, big data, informatics, data science, machine learning and related topics.
Authors are invited to submit novel, high quality work that has neither appeared in, nor is under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Areas of interest include the following (but are not restricted to):
- Artificial Intelligence - theory, applications, human interaction and impacts
- Data - Theory and Foundational Issues
- Data Mining Methods, Visualization, Analytics and Informatics
- Algorithms - Machine, Deep, Reinforcement Learning
- Informatics, Knowledge Discovery Processes
- Intelligent Applications & Information Systems
- Ethical, policy and economic aspects of big data, machine learning and AI
- Domain Applications of AI & big data (e.g. Finance, Policy, Health, GIS, Business, Physics, Education, Government, etc.)
- Big data analytics, data science and decision-making
- Discovery - Application Issues and Case Studies
Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts (MS Word or PDF format), formatted in a single column, with double spacing, 12 pt. font and numbered pages. An abstract of 250 words or fewer should be included. Author names and identification information must be restricted to the initial Title page (Title, author names, affiliation, contact details and brief 3 to 4 sentence bios.), to facilitate blind peer review. Other than these, there are no style restrictions (e.g. APA, IEEE etc.) for the initial submission. All papers will undergo the journal’s rigorous peer review process which can be found on the JBDAI journal website. Manuscripts must be submitted here. The editorial team aims to provide an initial decision within 3 months of acceptance for review. Final paper needs to be no more than 10 pages in length, please refer to author guidelines.
Important Dates
Manuscript submission is on a rolling basis, and will remain open perpetually - please submit early.
The priority submission window for the next volume will close on May 30, 2025.